Proinf’s IT infrastructure assessment and gap analysis carries out a facilitated group assessment of IT’s “As-Is" and “To Be" process and technology states to identify the gaps and the IT capabilities to be adopted to fill those gaps.
Roadmap - Provides businesses with roadmaps and action plans to achieve their IT Vision.
Prioritized – Positions current IT projects in the roadmap framework, to reinforce priority and sequencing.
Holistic View - Provides the organization with holistic, big picture view and helps in carrying out forecasting, planning, and budgeting for their upcoming new projects.
Proinf provide you with three key assets for IT infrastructure assessment and gap analysis
Our professional team of technology consultants brings a wide variety of knowledge and skills combined with functional and industry experience to serve the high-demanding consulting and strategy planning needs of our clients.
Provide a comprehensive and complete description of the current state and the desired state of the area of interest. Processes in the IT wing of that company that supports the infrastructure.
Evaluate the current situation of company’s Hardware, Software and Network configurations. Based on identified gaps and customers project priorities, it suggests the tools detailed roadmaps and prioritized action plans to close the gaps and enhance the customer’s IT capabilities landscape